Monthly Archives: April 2017

2017-10 Flannel Checkerboard

This attractive traditional design is called Trip Around the World.  How fitting that I finished the hand quilting on this lovely little flannel quilt on a trip out east this summer.  The interior was quilted sporadically over the spring and early summer and then I quilted the borders on the trip.  I hand stitched the binding during a few spare moments on the trip.   I added a hanging sleeve to make it convenient for use as a wall hanging.   Flannel is soft and does not hold its shape well for uses like hanging, but it is definitely cosy!

2017-9 Storm at Sea Miniature Quilt



This little quilt was made last spring to enter in the fall fair in the miniature quilt category.  It was fun to do, but I have decided that the next one I do will be paper pieced.  So much easier to achieve accuracy with paper piecing!  I quilted this on my domestic machine, stitch in the ditch technique with a walking foot, using Navy  Bottom Line in both the bobbin and on top.  Because the thread is so fine, it sinks right into the ditch, disappearing while giving surface texture.    Finished size is 10 inches by 14 inches.

In my imagination, a future grandchild will value this as a doll quilt.  I sure hope Ipads do not replace dolls!